Legion 101 Hours...
Monday, Tuesday 12–10pm
Wednesday 12 - 10pm
Thursday 12 -10pm
Friday 12 -11pm
Saturday and Sunday 12-7pm.
Legion 101 Hours...
Monday, Tuesday 12–10pm
Wednesday 12 - 10pm
Thursday 12 -10pm
Friday 12 -11pm
Saturday and Sunday 12-7pm.

Remember (Poem)

One day while standing on a cliff
I watched the seagulls in their drift,
The wind was high, the sea was rough
Waves tore into the rocky bluff.

I heard not far the distant cry
Of seamen who shall never die,
Convoys sailed, Corvettes their guide

Hell broke loose, ships they died.

Sub were lying all about
An Asdic Rating gave a shout,
Clear for action, Helms a’ lee
The Battle began on the cruel sea.

Seamen fought throughout the night
It was for them a valiant fight,
They did not moan, nor did they weep
As the Battle took them to the deep.

A rusting hulk shall be their tomb
As they lie asleep in the ocean’s womb,
They gave their lives upon the sea
That you and I shall ere to be free.

If upon a cliff you stand
And hear the cry of seagulls grand,
Think of those in watery graves
Who gave their lives upon the waves.

Poem by
(Bob) Dollack