Legion 101 Hours...
Monday, Tuesday 12–10pm
Wednesday 12 - 10pm
Thursday 12 -10pm
Friday 12 -11pm
Saturday and Sunday 12-7pm.
Legion 101 Hours...
Monday, Tuesday 12–10pm
Wednesday 12 - 10pm
Thursday 12 -10pm
Friday 12 -11pm
Saturday and Sunday 12-7pm.

What We Stand For

Our mandate is “Service, not to self but to others”, Our main focus and initiatives continue to be honoring those who gave their lives for our freedom while attending to the needs of Veterans as well as their dependents/families and those still active in The Canadian Armed Forces. We offer help by means of monetary as well as emotional wellbeing. We also assist in finding homes and help with medical expenses for our Veterans.

“We are nonprofits all of our revenue is used to help and assist others. up until a few years ago, you needed to have a family member serve in The Canadian Armed Forces to join. However, they have changed the criteria to allow everyone the opportunity to be part of this great institution for a nominal $55.00 per year.”

So whether you are new to this great country or have lived here your entire life we welcome and need your support by way of membership for us to continue helping these men and women who gave and continue to give us the freedom we have today.

Applications are available on-site,  as a member you are welcome in the club room where we have been able to keep the cost to you at a minimum compared to others businesses of the same nature. You also have access to all of our activities and sports tournaments as well as our 2 Event Halls at a 50% discount. For more involvement, there are general meetings 5 times per year allowing you to voice concerns or ideas and further build the success of what we stand for. If you need any further information feel free to stop by or contact us, we look forward to meeting you.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 101